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Associated Company
& Principal Guest Company

The Bolzano Danza programme for the next three years, from 2022 to 2024, will be enhanced by the participation of an Associate Company and a Principal Guest Company. The former, the collective (LA)HORDE at the helm of the Ballet national de Marseille, is developing original and multidisciplinary initiatives, tuned to the festival and the town. The latter, Gauthier Dance//Dance Company Theaterhaus Stuttgart, has already forged a deep bond with the Bolzano audience, to whom it offers unforgettable experiences every year.



Bolzano Danza Festival has always enjoyed strong ties to the region, its social life, its buzzing energy and beauty – both visible and hidden. This is why each year, in addition to the Teatro Comunale, local parks and other traditional venues, we choose new and unexpected settings for our performances. Follow us to a museum dug into a hill, to the heart of a futuristic tech park, or up close and personal with the legendary Dolomite peaks…


The Festival Team

Bolzano Danza Festival is a well-oiled machine that relies on the passion and extraordinary hard work of a large team of permanent and freelance staff: professionals, technicians and volunteers who take care of every last detail, from scheduling to disseminating national and local PR, from lighting to staging, from photography to videography to welcoming both audience and artists. The Hadyn Foundation extends a heartfelt thanks to everyone involved for all their hard work!